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The exhibition "Cultural Shok"

UK Parobrod, Belgrade ... June 15, 2016



The exhibition presents a multimedia installations of artist groups from Serbia and Kosovo inspired by their experiences of getting to know each other and getting to know each other's cultures and societies. The exhibition was organized within the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights’ program "Serbia and Kosovo: Intercultural Icebreakers".

Program "Serbia and Kosovo: Intercultural Icebreakers" was launched at the end of 2014, with the aim of connecting young artists, and so far many different activities have been organized, such as festivals, seminars and various cultural events. Over two hundred young artists and cultural workers from Kosovo and Serbia met, connect and create something together.

The exhibition was created after the seminar which was organized by the Helsinki Committee in April this year. At the seminar, 16 young people from Kosovo and Serbia visited Belgrade, Novi Sad, Prishtina and Prizren. Video and other installations that have been exhibited at the exhibition give an insight into the process of unpacking stereotypical images and performances in meeting these young artists and their construction of ideas on culture of the "Other".

Experiences they have experienced in lectures and workshops, during visits to cultural institutions, and during the process of creating installations, enabled artists to reconsider the images they have of each other, and the cultures from which they come from. Installations that have arisen in these situations simulate some of the processes in post-conflict communities which lead to stereotyping and the invisibility of culture in a negative way, and they provoke personal responsibility of each of us in the (de)construction of culture.



































































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